Our dynamically growing company makes sure that all our visions, which subsequently give rise to projects, are carried out in accordance with the applicable legislation. Economically growing profits can only be our priority if ecologically optimal conditions are met. We strive to ensure that every representative, agent or contractor is the right person for the job and, last but not least, that he or she is treated with the utmost individual attention to ensure maximum satisfaction. Development in the areas of sustainable resources, green energy, ecology and ESG (Environmental Society Governance), healthcare, teaching and education, among others, are an integral part of the company's strategy. We monitor emerging issues and adapt our plans where necessary. We proved during the pandemic that we can think and do things differently and quickly, and two years later we are much better prepared to do it again.

By focusing more on the bottom line and working across sectors and markets, we are better able to respond to new issues and challenges. Our new, more adaptive approach to allocating resources and monitoring our performance will make us more agile and help us respond more quickly to market needs. We are not solving these problems alone.

We work with a range of partners to deliver our objectives. This broad collaboration includes global regulators, domestic and international partners. In previous years, we have structured our activities by sector and market. This year, we are also doing things differently to align strategy and a consistent overarching consumer, wholesale and economic outcomes for the markets we expect to demand financial services.

We have grouped our commitments into three areas:

  • Reducing and preventing serious harm - we are focused on protecting private investors and funds from the harm that is rampant in the world, including fighting fraud and malpractice.
  • Setting and testing higher standards - we focus on the impact that the actions of business companies have on consumers and markets. We expect all business companies to adopt the same high standards and take an open and cooperative approach.
  • Promoting competition and positive change - we want to use competition as a force for better consumer, market and economic outcomes. We will encourage growth and innovation in the economic and financial marketplace that serves our global community, underpinned by widely recognized and respected high standards.